Just wanted you to know how delighted I am with how my bathroom rug turned out. Your suggestion of using the various colors that matched the adjacent striping turned out even better than I had imagined. It's absolutely perfect. I'm giving your info to the 3 places I went to get it done before I found you. Now they'll have another, more skilled, resource to help their customers who want more challenging rugs cut down and bound.
Thank you thank you thank you..."
It was quite a nice wake-up call. When I usually check our e-mail the inbox is over run with promotional ads and sales from suppliers. However, this e-mail was worth reading, which is probably obvious.
Dan has a key statement:
"You can be part of the problem, or part of the solution. I prefer to be a part of the solution."
Having a satisfied customer out of state is one example of how DWP Carpet Binding is a part of the solution. Although we are asked to do certain tasks that can't always be accomplished, more often than not, we will find a way to make it happen!
This past week, the first full week after all of the Holiday buzz, we have had a busy week. It was slow to start with, there wasn't a lot of work at hand. Then it quickly picked up. We had the pleasure of a few new walk-in clients and some returning ones as well!
DWP Carpet Binding would like to thank:
Gary, who had small mats made up from carpet remnants.
Paris, for having her beautiful runner reserged!
Joanne, for coming in with a remnant.
She had it cut & bound using our "service while you wait".
She was in & out within 10 minutes. She was also so thrilled to have been able to get it done so quickly (and surprised not only with our willingness to get it done, but that we could do it).
Also, thank you to Trish for writing us about how happy you are with your carpets!
It's great to hear the feedback.
Last, but certainly not least:
Another big thanks to our regular/returning retail & commercial customers!
Without you, we wouldn't be here!
As we clean the office, sweep the warehouse & gear up to close for the weekend, we can begin to feel the amount of work we pumped out this week. It's setting into our bodies, with various aches and pains. Our energy levels are depleting and the thought of going home to take a nap is the only thing in mind (...well, my mind at least, I won't speak for Dan. Although I'm sure he too is eager to get home to watch his favorite show, Judge Judy!).
On Monday, we'll start a new work week, revived, rejuvenated and ready for action!
Yes, we WILL be open on Monday, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
8 am - 4 pm.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
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